Shortly after assuming the role of Pastor elect, Pastor Princeton sat down with the congregation for two meetings to connect as a family and discuss the transition and future of the church. Check out full recordings of both meetings below! If you have not filled out your CCFC membership form, go to:
Family Meeting 1
July 9th, 2023
In this first meeting, Pastor Princeton opened the floor for comments and questions from the congregation about the transition. Then the church did a group activity that discussed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the church. Pastor Princeton concluded the meeting by sharing the vision statement of the church: "Many Journeys, One Crusade".
Family Meeting 2
July 16, 2023
In part two of the transition meeting, Pastor Princeton goes over the current business affairs of the church, the fall strategic priorities, and he casts vision for the season ahead. He also discusses details about the first ever CCFC Homecoming Conference.