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"Alive Together" Bible Study

Schedule Attached & on the Calendar


via Conference Call or Zoom

"Alive Together" Bible Study
"Alive Together" Bible Study

Time & Location

Schedule Attached & on the Calendar

via Conference Call or Zoom

About the event

We  are in the season of commemorating the death and resurrection of our  Lord and Savior.  Although we will not be worshipping together in our  sanctuary, we are inviting to you to journey with us to study together  and hopefully unify in a unique way this season.  

Beginning March 13  through March 31st we are asking all of our members to join a special Bible Study to explore the wonders of ALIVE TOGETHER through the life, death and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  One day a week for approximately 45 minutes we can all study together The Lord’s Table, The Cross and The Resurrection.   You will be able to choose the day and platform that best suits you (ex: Each Monday evening at 7pm for 3 weeks). We  have set up zoom meetings as well as phone conference meetings (Prayer  Waves).  You choose and commit to be there!

You can use the calendar to determine which Bible study you  will attend. If the calendar directs you to a website, you have  chosen a zoom meeting, otherwise a phone number listed and code means  that meeting is a phone conference.  

To join we simply need you to register by identifying the class you will join by emailing us to or leaving a message to 310-684-3040. 

Please register by Thursday  the 11th.

We look forward to hearing from you.

In His service,

Bishop Virgil Patterson, Sr.


  • 18 days 4 hours

    Select YOUR day of the week

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